Admin - Weekly Calendar - January 20th


to:All Students

Time Jan. 24, 2014

files: Thoughts for the week 1-17-14.pdf

Click for Jackson Heights, New York Forecast

Birthdays - None
Weather - 39/23 - Partly Cloudy
Alternate Side Suspended
No School - MLK Day

Tuesday (D4)
Lunch - Swedish Meatballs
Birthdays - None
Weather - 24/10 - Snow
Alternate Side In Effect
Trustee Meeting

Morning Exams
Hall Monitor - Pigman
Floater - Kruczek
Lunch Duty - Smith / Gomis
Extra Time (20) - Stenos
French 7 (24) - Elkind
Spanish 7 (25) - Melara
Math  8R (27) - Gherghi
Algebra I - 8H (28) - Hale
Biology (23) - Dapice

Afternoon Exams
Hall Monitor - Pigman
Floater - Kruczek
English 10 (25) - Elkind
PreCalculus 11H (27) - Ambarsom
Alg II & Trig 11R (28) - Gherhgi
PreCalculus 12R (27) - Ambarsom
AP Calculus (28) - Gherhgi

Wednesday (D5)
Lunch - Homemade Pizza
Birthdays - None
Weather - 19/15 Sunny
Alternate Side In Effect

Morning Exams
Hall Monitor - Grusky
Floater - Pigman
Lunch Duty - Smith / Gomis
Extra Time (20) - Stenos
English 7-3 (23) - Massand
English 7-7 (24) - Ambarsom
Area Studies 8-5 (27) - Gherhgi
Area Studies 8-6 (28) - Melara
Ancient & Med 9 (25) - Elkind

Afternoon Exams
Hall Monitor - Grusky
Floater - Massand
Geometry 10 (28) - Ambarsom
Alg II & Trig 10H (28) - Gherghi
AP French IV (27) - Melara
AP Spanish IV (27) - Melara

Thursday (D6)
Lunch - Chicken Wings
Birthdays - None
Weather - 28/17 - Snow
Alternate Side In Effect

Morning Exams
Hall Monitor - Massand
Floater - Pigman
Lunch Duty - Smith / Gomis
Extra Time (20) - Stenos
LifeSci 7-2 (24) - Dapice
LifeSci 7-6 (23) - Elkind
PhySci 8-1 (27) - Hale
PhySci 8-3 (28) - Grusky
Algebra I - 9 (25) - Ambarsom
Geometry 9H (25) - Gherhgi

Afternoon Exams
Hall Monitor - Pigman
Floater - Massand
French III (23) - Melara
Spanish III (23) - Melara
Physics (27) - Ambarsom
Anatomy (28) - Dapice

Friday (D7)
Lunch - Chicken Dumplings
Birthdays - Prio
Weather - 28/26 - Partly Cloudy
Alternate Side In Effect
Beagles - Dervishi
End of 2nd Quarter

Saturday / Sunday
Saturday - Lego Robotics Queens Qualifier

Sunday - Birthday - Ledden

Next Weeks Notes
Monday - None

Tuesday - None
Wednesday - None
Thursday - 1/2 Birthday - Dapice (7/30); Distribute Report Cards
Friday - Gala Kick-Off; Return Report Cards
Weekend - 1/2 Birthday - Lokko (8/3); Debate

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